
Do you really know your neighbors? Or do you see your neighbor out and run the other way? Or maybe you just smile and wave? Or maybe you are the type of neighbor that drops by at dinner time, and lingers past bedtime, despite the repetitive yawns. This fox is a very silent neighbor, the type that sneaks around, unnoticed. I  can respect the fox. I am happy to know he’s moved in, and will watch for signs of his activity.


New Neighbors…  Sometimes, you discover new neighbors in your community. Are they good neighbors? If you have a chicken house, maybe not. If you have free range chickens, definitely not a good neighbor. Unless, you were ready to naturally cull part of your flock. New neighbors or newly discovered neighbors; you have to wonder. Are we going to be able to live harmoniously side by side? Or is our diversity, going to test our borders. At this moment, I choose to just admire his style at a distance. After all, he is a fox.


New member in the neighborhood…